Dear Subscriber, Since the first publication on June 13, 1994,
The Korea Meatal Journal has continued its growth as a technical journal covering the industry news of the ferrous and non-ferrous product, combining with the steel-consuming industry news of automobile, machinery, electronics, construction, and shipbuilding.

The news has also covered the overseas steel market information, the money market movement, and the inland and ocean transportation industry as well, which are the interwoven parts of the news in the field of overseas steel transcation. Korea is the world’s sixth largest country in steel production and the 10th in metal. Missing a journal, at time of our first publication, which could speak for the industry, we were in growing need of it. The publication of The Korea Meatal Journal was based on that requirement of the times. 18 steel and meatl producing companies joined the establishment of The Korea Metal Journal as shareholders, supporting me as an initiator of it based on my personal 30 year experience in the steel industry. The inital weekly publication has been semiweekly in 22 month after the first circulation. he Korea Metal Journal has received an increasing expectation from the subscribers on reliability and usefulness of its articles. With an added responsibility on our shoulders, we started an internet news service as of July 10, 2000. We will not spare ourselves in making our site more and more referential to all the subscribers. Your further advice and encouragement in our doing so shall be highly appreciated.

Very truly yours, C. W. BAE PUBLISHER