Korea Zinc and LG Chemical Hold Hands for Launching US Recycling Market 
Korea Zinc and LG Chemical Hold Hands for Launching US Recycling Market 
  • 방정환
  • Date 2024.03.17 19:04
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Korea Zinc and LG Chemical joined together for settling the waste resources environmental problems and accelerating further their combined ESG management policies. The two companies reached the Memorandum of Understanding March 14 to complete the resource circulation system using US-sourced waste plastic recycling work. With their signing off on the MOU Korea Zinc and LG Chemical are planned to push ahead the establishment of resource closed-loop through processing the waste plastic recycling projects while sharing the information concerned the market and policy via their US-based recycling network. Korea Zinc took over US-headquartered IGNEO Holdings in 2022 which is a specialist worldwide for treating exclusively the electronics waste recycling business which extrudes intermediate byproducts that can be smelted to transform to valuable metallurgy products at its affiliate, Pedalpoint Holdings, thereby is now producing eco-friendly copper products in the US. The two companies had set up a joint venture company in May 2022 on a 51:49 ratio between its affiliate, Kamco and LG Chemical, expecting to produce and deliver next year. 

by swkim        

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