LS Cable Pushing for Investment in Poland worth 11 million Euros
LS Cable Pushing for Investment in Poland worth 11 million Euros
  • 방정환
  • Date 2018.04.11 14:21
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Cable announced April 10 it will organize a 11 million euros investment in Poland to construct fiber-optic cable plant scheduling to run from April 2018 with about 3.0 million fiber kilometers production capacity, which is expected to cover about 7 percent share of the European fiber-optic demand markets. LS Cable sets up the marketing strategy to extend into the eastern Europe and the CIS region as well through raising the market share up to 10 percent in the EU market from the present 1 or 2 percent share, for which the company will shorten the delivery time through arranging the production base in Europe which is targeted as the back yard for global cable producers while coping with the future strengthening of the EU’s economic block too.

LS Cable president Myung Noh-hyun vowed to solidify the activities to acquire new orders from global communication common carriers using as the strategic positions its France-based sales affiliate and Poland-based production one.

Europe is the region in which France government constructs superhigh speed communication network to prepare for the 2024 Paris Olympic and Italian government also expands the communication infrastructure investments across the country including the island areas which business market grows by as much as over 5 percent a year. LS Cable won more than 53 million euros from France and Italy for the first quarter this year, which exceeds 40 percent of the total orders acquired in Europe last year


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